We are now in Astorga and some time has gone by since updating this blog. We have been unable to download pictures and have finally found out that we have 6 viruses in our camera!.....we have now covered approx. 540kms....have been blessed by nuns in Sahagun after listening to them do their version of a Gregorian chant....all 12 of them.....we have listened to an organ concert in the cathedral in Leon at 10pm....which was fantastic.....spent two nights in Leon with no sleep at all......we stayed in a pension on the plaza mayor and it was party night sat. and we thought it would improve sun.....but the party ended when we woke up both days. Leon is a lovely city though and we had some great food.......Derek enjoyed some lamb shanks stew and beef cheeks...delicious. We have met so many people.....from countries like US, France, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Austria, England, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand to name a few.....but mostly we have met so many Canadians. My blisters have healed but have been bitten by something all over my feet that are causing a few problems.....wouldn´t you know it! Still no rain....we have been very lucky....we leave for the mountains again after days of flat walking on the meseta.....hopefully the weather holds out so we can enjoy the scenery. We are in an albergue tonight that takes about 60 people in bunk beds but we have two bottom bunks that are set right next to each other. Hopefully our new camera card doesn´t get compromised again and we can update the blog with more pictures more regularly. Hope all is well with everyone.....
The place of the Bishop designed by the famous Gaudi finished in 1913
Self portrait with the palace behind
A view of house with chickens and the usual 3 cats taken from ramparts of town
Ramparts surrounding the old city of Astorga
in front of the doors of the cathredal-construction started 1471, finished in 18th century |
beauty beard pops, dont shave it!
Hey thae hair is looking a bit shaggy!!! You'll need a cut when you get home! What's with the cats following you? So did you join in the partys?
You have made good time and progress across the country hope the weather continus to hold through the "hills" Thanks for the posts the expression of those people on the wall at the Church gates don't look so sure your card isn't tricked again!!Enjoy...
Irritating about the camera problems. I hope you haven't lost any photos. Good to hear from you again as we've been wondering. A howler storm here yesterday!
You both look great - fit and healthy and ready for hills. Love reading the posts and seeing the pictures - miss you here!
Hey you guys, sorry for the few responses. We've been on the road ourselves a bit. Thanks for the updates, we are fascinated with the chronicles of your trip. It looks gorgeous and what an incredible adventure! Gayle, I'm worried about what's after your feet.....Love to you guys, Take care, Liz and Doug
Derek/Gayle: Awesome, Good company, nice scenery, great adventure. Nothing needs to be said because "it's all together"
Enjoy, and much love.
Enjoying the Camino vicariously which is definitely the only way we'll ever do it. Hope all continues to go smoothly (except for the poorly toe!) We enjoyed our Maritimes trip - did 3000 k, sitting in a car of course!
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