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Sunday, 2 October 2011

Ruitelan 10.02.11

leaving Rabanal at first light
early morning pilgrims
Rabanal del CaminoWe now have 167 kms to go to get to Santiago and are spending the night in an albergue in the tiny town of Ruitelan before we climb up out of the Bierzo Valley.  The mornings have been cooler but it still gets very hot midday.  We have walked through many vineyards and sampled some delicious grapes which are just beginning to be harvested.  There are more animals now that we are in the mountain valleys and we can hear cow bells again while walking.....still lucky with the weather ..... no rain yet.


Jeff and Elaine said...

Wow...looking good! Question why is Derek holding the child's portion beer when the adult tin sits on the table?...Gayle? Countryside looks more interesting in theis region...Have fun!

JoanTweedie said...

Back from Cape Town and in touch at last. Your blog is AMAZING - we are so proud of you back here in little ol' Victoria. Thank you for you email about Kay.Good luck with the final stretch to Santiago.
Lots of love Joanie and Rob

Mavis said...

You aren't looking the least bit tired. I guess all that training paid off. Glad the weather is holding out for you too. It's great to be able to follow you on the blog. Happy travels!

Jim said...

The end is in sight.Good for you.We are excited for you and hope you have agreat week tp finish...Cheers,Jim